Thursday, June 11, 2020

Buy safely Imuregen, Glucan, ImunPlus and Fulvic Minerals

You might be wondering where you can safely purchase the wonderful products of Forever Healthy Products (FHP) LLC - Imuregen, Glucan, ImunPlus and Fulvic Minerals?

FHP has offices in the following locations where you can visit and get the products:

But you don't need to go all the way to those addresses, you can reach out to the person who introduced it to you, or you can visit and order from our online shop. Via our online shop you can safely place your order and have it shipped to your doorstep in the USA or Philippines. For other countries/locations this can be handled separately but still doable (and we are opening a target of 20 new different country offices in 2021). To go to the shop:
1. Go to the link: Forever Healthy Products Online 
2. For first time visitor, you will be asked to choose your country. Choose USA if you are in the USA or Canada. Choose Philippines for Philippines & other country residents. (More countries will be added to the choices soon).
3. On the main page scroll down.
4. Click on "Shop Now" to go to the shop and browse products, add to cart the product or packages you want to purchase, then on checkout pay using your credit or debit card. For other payment options message us for assistance via our FB page DNA Repair Products International
5. Optionally, for those who want to be a distributor you can follow steps 1 to 3, and then instead of clicking "Shop Now" on step 4, you can click on  "Join Now" instead.

In the online shop you can purchase the product as a retail transaction - straight and simple. That's it, no need to sign up as a member or buy the marketing kit if all you need to do is buy the product.

For those who want to do monthly repeat orders called auto-ship wherein monthly that same product package you selected will be automatically delivered to you, you will also be given a discount once you enroll for the retail auto-ship special. For otders worth $295 and higher you also get 10% discount (this discount will also be valid for the next 30days if you decide to buy an extra bottle or two even if the amount is less).

For those who want to resell, market or promote the product they have the option to sign up for a marketing kit.

You can also visit our facebook page Imuregen DNA Repair or message us through FB / WhatsApp (available in the FB page) if you have questions on how to get these products.

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