Thursday, July 16, 2020



Having the ability to fight and defend against germs or pathogens is not the best way to good health. Maintaining a healthy environment NOT conducive for germs or pathogens to grow and spread is a better approach. 

Please take a short time to read and understand why we are promoting good health at the DNA level via ImuRegen Nucleotide Supplementation.  

“The microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything.”  Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) is purported to have made this statement on his deathbed. The origin of the quote is attributed to Claude Bernard (1813-1878), a physiologist and contemporary of Pasteur. The Terrain theory was further built upon by Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908). By (supposedly) quoting Bernard, Pasteur was recanting his germ theory, a theory that assigned the cause of disease to microbes invading and reeking havoc on the body, with specific germs causing specific diseases.

Credit to Image Creator & Owner - still trying to find image source

What does it mean to us? Pasteur was acknowledging that germs (viruses, bacterias, etc) cannot thrive in a body that is healthy and clean. 

While it is a good idea to target and eliminate disease causing germs and viruses. It is also very important that the body's condition is treated so it becomes healthy and clean. With a healthy and strong immune system the body will not be conducive for the germs to survive and multiply - thus preventing or minimizing the risk to contract diseases.

With a healthy and strong immune system our body will be able to defend us from external threats, partnered with a good diet, exercise and healthy lifestyle.  We need to take vitamins and supplements - not just any supplement but the latest innovation - nucleotide supplements which ImuRegen provides which promotes good health at the DNA level. Check out our other posts, specially on recent developments on health such as Epigenetics - wherein some of our pre-disposed tendency to acquire certain diseases due to our DNA or genes can be overcome with the help of DNA repair thus allowing us to escape from the tyranny of our (Hereditary) DNA/Genes. 

Health is Wealth! When you lose your Health you lose everything! So start your journey to Good Health at the DNA Level, Now. Not tomorrow but Today. You only have 1 life to live for your loved ones, so take good care of your health. 

Want to know more about Nucleotides and Imuregen? Visit this link: What is ImuRegen?

Please check out the other videos / posts in our FB page  DNA Repair Products International  or in this blog to know how our product can help your and your loved one. Message us if you have questions or need assistance.

Check our FB page most recent posts for amazing promotions. Take advantage of them to save and get a chance to try the products. 

Ready to try? Click here: DNA REPAIR PRODUCT Online Shop (Note: At the top of page select United States for orders that will be for North America, USA & Canada; Choose Philippines for orders intended for other countries; Or best to message us for assistance).

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